Thursday, March 4, 2010

Meet Baby Wemmick

Baby Wemmick
(alias: Leah Ella-Sue, Leah, Ella-Sue, Peanut, Punk, Punky, Sunshine, Punky Humphreys, Punkster, Punkamaniac, Punkerooni, Punkmaster, Punkin, Punkarooski)

A charismatic Baby Wemmick...

already known for her smile...

so full of sunshine...

sporting the most adorable curls...

with a budding sense-of-humor...

and a smidgen of imp...

enjoys adores her big brother...

with a zest for life...

a warm and loving disposition...


lightning-quick to laugh...

with a 'firecracker' temperament...

did I mention a smile that could launch a thousand ships...

loves climbing into & sitting in chairs...


that childhood staple: spaghetti & ice cream...


and playing in water...


recently began to accessorize...

most happy in her mommy's arms.


  1. Oh! My Gosh!!! LOVE THE HAIR! I can't believe how big she has gotten...Think the last time I saw her was her birthday party.

    AND Your right that smile...Has always melted my heart. What a Sweetie Pie Leah IS!

    This post made me smile all the way through...I think this one is my favorite!

    Love, Me

    PS Mark Loves Johnny Cash! Who knew??? Kiss, Theology and Johnny Cash...He is a strange man...but I like him anyway.:)

    The blog looks great!

  2. That's my peanut/punk/mommy's girl!!!!


PLEASE remember:
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." Proverbs 18:21
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